Tuesday 2 March 2010

Coconut Water Benefit

Hurt which many groaning adult especially children, at first only to be small fleck estimated equal to backlog bean, because continuous is scratched, in process of time arises big scabies. Seemingly hideous very its(the aroma not delicious. If hurt in foot/feet usually will leave ex- having colour black

To eliminate hurt as in to you can follow our recipe as follows :

Washs you hurt with coconut water. Lets until drought, then has just been washed with cool water. Insya Allah ex- hurt will lose. Otherwise You can use balm made from coconut.

Its way :

1. Kelpa is divided [by] 2, half then is burned until scorch like charcoal.

2. Then is boxed is smooth like powder.

3. Then spiced with palm oil 2 tablespoon, scrambled so that like balm.

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