Saturday, 20 February 2010

Recipe For Diabetes Patient

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For man who is suffering diabetes, can utilize squirrel flesh. a squirrel flesh is skined, then dibelah became four cuts. The squirrel flesh soaking in roll acid water ( tamarind), like will fry fish. But if frying its(the flesh squirrel is not given salt. Only roll acid given water sufficiently. Lets squirrel flesh is soaked [by] 1 hour(clock the duration in the roll acid water has just then is fried.

Eats the squirrel flesh during 1 month, surely diabetes that is most even a hard will recover. So requires 30 squirrel tails. With this therapy, hard have been diabetes also will not leave remains, recurrence will not again

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Increases Vitality Sex ( That The Relation Of Wife Husband is More Amicable )

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Each and everyone surely hungers for strong and fresh body in life sexual, especially the man.

To preserve the relation of wife husband within doors doorstep, so that has vitality sexual which super. so although every day executes activity sexual, its(the health not annoyed as well as its(the body remain to fresh, we can utilize drugs traditionally :

Ingredient utilized is :

1. 2 Item Egg yolk

2. 3 Bar petai cina

3. 1 original honey tablespoon

4. 30 Item black merica

Way of making it :

- Egg yolk is swirled so liquid.

- Petai cina is taken its contents only, then is put to the sun until bone dry as well as grind to be smooth finite

- Merica also is grind is finite smoothness

- Third mix of the material becomes one.

- Then mix honey and scrambled until flattening, drinks at the same time until pot is clean without leaving over dregs.

If you drinked every day of course you body would always fresh and strong and heroic. Health is not possibly annoyed, although every day you does the relation of sexual many times.


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Usually a woman of course rather difficult in receiving excitement. Mostly influenced by emotion. His(its natural is other with man. In problem sex, man terangsang easy to and quickly gets enjoyment top ( Orgasm) medium of woman no

To overcome woman which is difficult reachs orgasm in the relation of sex, applied traditional ingredient.


1. Fennel pulosari counted 2 tablespoon.

2. Honey 2 tablespoon

3. Egg yolk 2 Item

4. Papaw Leaf 3 Young sheet

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