Wednesday, 24 March 2010

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You can obtain $5-$10 in easy to by following program. Important of you will implement it. Please follow some programs following:

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Friday, 19 March 2010

Get Paid To Promotion Your Web

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Wednesday, 17 March 2010

High Blood Drug

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High blood pressure is be including dangerous disease. Sudden mortal patient hence.

This disease marking is thin-skinned patient and often on the warpath.

To overcome this thing tries recipe hereunder :

Takes papaw aereal root that is height one metre, washed out and braised with water counted 1 litre. Lets Decoction water is drinked [by] morning warmnesss and evening. This aereal root can be braised counted 7 times repeatedly. Does every day until you disease eliminates at all.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

To Prevent Hair Moults

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Hair is you crown. For the purpose takes care of as good as possibly, that you seen always classy and fascinates

If(when you buys watermelon, exploits disampung its(the sweet flesh and the fresh also doesn't forget its(the skin.

That you hair still looked to be respects and doesn't moult watermelon skin rubbing is remaining its(the white flesh of that, at your scalp.

Does one week once, one day before monkey. Proves x'self its(the special quality

To Make Fragrance Vagina

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There are some woman has Vagina fairly not delicate. so often complains and takes exception to if(when middle faces its(the husband acting up like jeering or likely disgusted to [him]. Its(the example closing nose etcetera.

But woman create having vagina to smell is delicate like that not its(the menghilangkann difficult to. In fact the aroma can begin from infection happened in vagina or at white or gracious channel.

To wipe out the aroma earns also we to apply fistful [of] kemangi boxed. Then is filtered extorting a lef of smooth cloth is cleanness, takes its(the water gist;sari. Then mixed with as of honey tea spoon, added as of tip of salt nail. Scrambled so plane, then is drinked

Tomorrow morning his(its do over, does repeatedly to one months, Surely vagina will broadcast aroma which fragrance and do not had unpalatable aroma again.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Way Of Curing Impotent

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This disease usually knocks over the man. Patient would difficult to gratify its(the partner when doing coitus. Patient will feel small and low of x'self.

To overcome it tries drinking ingredient jamu hereunder :

Material :

1. One ounces Jahe

2. One item kampong chicken's egg

3, One item orange limau/nipis which big.

4. One ketchup tablespoons that is the taste is sweet

5. One original honey spoons ( Without Mixture).

6. Seven Item Merica

7. Three buds lengkuas/laos

Way Of Making it

Ginger is grated, extorted and taken its(the water, egg is shaked [by] until smooth. Lime is boxed, extorted its(the water, merica in refining then is mixed with ketchup and honey ( all material). Then is shaked.

Way of using it :

Agitation of Jamu is drinked [by] nearing night sleep or when will copulate. Result of his(its would extraordinary.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Coconut Water Benefit

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Hurt which many groaning adult especially children, at first only to be small fleck estimated equal to backlog bean, because continuous is scratched, in process of time arises big scabies. Seemingly hideous very its(the aroma not delicious. If hurt in foot/feet usually will leave ex- having colour black

To eliminate hurt as in to you can follow our recipe as follows :

Washs you hurt with coconut water. Lets until drought, then has just been washed with cool water. Insya Allah ex- hurt will lose. Otherwise You can use balm made from coconut.

Its way :

1. Kelpa is divided [by] 2, half then is burned until scorch like charcoal.

2. Then is boxed is smooth like powder.

3. Then spiced with palm oil 2 tablespoon, scrambled so that like balm.


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¢ 50 g liquid Margarim

¢ 5 btr Egg

¢ 150 g sand Sugar

¢ 500 g cassava tape ( refined )

¢ 150 g trilateral Tepung

¢ 1 st Baking powder

¢ Vanili & salt sufficiently


1. Egg and sugar is shaked [by] until flower. Enters tape, wheat and rotation coconut mink.

2. Heats Dariyaki at medium fire, enters dough sufficiently. Cooked 10 minutes be returned - back of

3. decoration berry of young Currant or coconut.


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¢ 250 g Terigu disc

¢ 05 sdm Fermipan

¢ 30 g Gula sand

¢ 10 g Mentega

¢ 1 sdm Milk powder

¢ 100 cc Air


1. All material is swirled to grows into one, always is diuleni until not viscid is hand [by]


¢ 250 g Hash / Sausage

¢ 05 Item leek is choped up [by]

¢ 3 Garlic fang

¢ 05 sdt Lada

¢ 3 Fresh tomato is pared then is choped up

¢ Tomato pasta, salt and sand sugar sufficiently


1. Leek and garlic in tumis until fragrant, enters tomato to add sugar and hash, ripe until jelling, pasta tomato berry

2. Form of skin dough equal to hole Dariyaki, then arranges filler material to it, would be better if it is to it is sowed [by] cheese morzarella. Bakeout in Dariyaki with medium fire.

3. PIZZA DARIYAKI ready to be served

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