Sunday 5 September 2010

Domain Name Knowledge Base

Is it Domain?

Domain is a unique name given to identify the name of the computer servers such as web servers or email servers on the Internet.
Domains provide users accessing the internet to remember names and make access to the servers who want to visit than to remember Internet Protocol (IP).
Differences Domains and Hosting

Hosting is storage space on a server computer where data and files are placed.

Domain is the address used for data placement and to place the file.

Simple analogy:

1. Analogy of cellular-phone cards
In this case if the hosting likened as your mobile device, the domain is no.kartu your provider;
2. Analogy-car parking lot
In this case hosting likened to a parking lot, while the domain is the number of cars can be parked on the hosting

The sections Domain Name

A Domain Name has at least two or three sections / levels / level:

1. Top-level domain (TLD)
Consisting of two group / classification:
* Generic TLD (gTLD) top level domain or to the public,
example:. com,. net,. org,. biz,. info
* Country Code TLD (ccTLD) or country code based domain level,
eg. id,. us,. ins
2. Second-level domain (SLD)
Is the domain name is placed in the front of the TLD
* SLD with gTLD example:
* SLD with ccTLD example:,.,.
3. Third-level domain
Is a sub of the SLD

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