Monday, 22 February 2010
Kidney disease Drug
Soy that is the taste is crispy that can also applied to cure kidney.
Its way :
Takes 3 soybean tablespoon, braises with 4 water glass so boiling, Labours decoction water of the soy decreases finite of its the water ready to about 1 glass only. Drinks every morning as of sleep similar pot is clean, before cool water.
Your kidney ailment will lose and you to become man who is healthy like ready of scorpion.
Limaciform Mucus Special Quality
If you injured light. Takes snail mucus ( Bekicot ).
Its way :
Breaks shell of coconut bekicot at part of its the sharp-pointed top, then dripped secretory mucus at wounded part.
Lets just, blood would quickly is desisted and bodily injury would soon runs dry.
Saturday, 20 February 2010
Recipe For Diabetes Patient
Eats the squirrel flesh during 1 month, surely diabetes that is most even a hard will recover. So requires 30 squirrel tails. With this therapy, hard have been diabetes also will not leave remains, recurrence will not again
Please Try
Increases Vitality Sex ( That The Relation Of Wife Husband is More Amicable )
Each and everyone surely hungers for strong and fresh body in life sexual, especially the man.
To preserve the relation of wife husband within doors doorstep, so that has vitality sexual which super. so although every day executes activity sexual, its(the health not annoyed as well as its(the body remain to fresh, we can utilize drugs traditionally :
Ingredient utilized is :
1. 2 Item Egg yolk
2. 3 Bar petai cina
3. 1 original honey tablespoon
4. 30 Item black merica
Way of making it :
- Egg yolk is swirled so liquid.
- Petai cina is taken its contents only, then is put to the sun until bone dry as well as grind to be smooth finite
- Merica also is grind is finite smoothness
- Third mix of the material becomes one.
- Then mix honey and scrambled until flattening, drinks at the same time until pot is clean without leaving over dregs.
If you drinked every day of course you body would always fresh and strong and heroic. Health is not possibly annoyed, although every day you does the relation of sexual many times.
To overcome woman which is difficult reachs orgasm in the relation of sex, applied traditional ingredient.
1. Fennel pulosari counted 2 tablespoon.
2. Honey 2 tablespoon
3. Egg yolk 2 Item
4. Papaw Leaf 3 Young sheet
Friday, 19 February 2010 lifestyle on the net memang salah satu portal Lifestyle terbesar di Indonesia. lifestyle on the net adalah suatu tagline yang memang benar kenyataannya, kita bisa mendapatkan banyak informasi berkenaan lifestyle tersebut. Dalam portal tersebut kita bisa mendapatkan berita-berita terbaru mengenai musik, ranking musik, informasi kuliner, game, travel, selebriti, film terbaru, film kontroversi dan masih banyak lagi.
Kini sudah banyak sekali orang yang berkunjung ke website Astaga!Com karena memang banyak informasi yang bisa di dapatkan dari sana. Jika rekan-rekan belum pernah membaca berita-berita di Astaga.Com maka segera saja berkunjung kesana biar semakin luas wawasan anda. Atau anda sedang memiliki masalah anda bisa membacabaca pada kolom “Tanya Dokter” yang tentu bisa menambah pengetahuan mengenai kesehatan bagi anda.
Slogan ini mungkin sangat cocok untuk portal mengingat isinya sangat informatif dan dinamis, apalagi sekarang tambah cihui katanya Reborn, lahir kembali mengambarkan portal Astaga!com terbaru. Astaga! pernah menjadi salah satu portal berita terbesar di Indonesia dan mereka ingin merebutnya kembali di tahun ini dan seterusnya, kita doain bersama-sama, amiin.
Kehadiran dan gebrakan termasuk dinantikan banyak orang, mengingat banyak sekali portal lifestyle yang bermunculan saat ini, mungkin bisnis internet lagi menggeliat sehingga ramailah On The Net Indonesia, tapi saya yakin dengan pengalaman yang cukup serta didukung tenaga profesional akan lebih maju dan menjadi Lifestyle On The Net.
Dilihat dari zamannya sekarang ini sudah berbeda, berinternet sudah menjadikan kebutuhan sehari-hari, makanan rohani yaitu informasi dari mana saja bisa diserap apalagi sekarang didukung peralatan canggih seperti Hp yang sudah gampang dijadikan alat berinternet didorong dengan tarif pulsa murah oleh para provider celluler saling berperang merebut pasarnya, dan ini harus di barengi oleh para pembisnis berita dimana dituntut menyajikan berita yang real, cepat dan terkini tapi dibungkus dengan indah dan menarik Lifestyle On The Net semakin seru. Yup, portal berita bangkit kembali, lifestyle on the net sekarang tambah terasa. Tema seputar gaya hidup, trend masa kini, gosip artis, film dan semacamnya memang masih menjadi salah satu topik yang paling diminati oleh masyarakat kita. Ga heran kalo situs-situs lifestyle seperti Astaga!, Kapanlagi, Rileks, dll selalu ramai dikunjungi.
Advertiser bisa milih letak banner yang cocok dengan iklannya. Misalnya tampil di halaman depan, atau di channel seputar gaya hidup, channel sinema, musik, dll. Jadi bisa nyesuain. Kalo mau ngiklan tentang Film, yauda bisa pilih channel Sinema. Hehehe. Bener-bener lifestyle on the net yang mantap..
Untuk segi konten, memberikan yang terbaik. Uptodate dan artikel yang unik. Gaya bahasanya juga bener-bener pas untuk situs lifestyle on the net. Ga terlalu kaku 'n ga terlalu bebas juga. Kecuali kalo komen-komenan di salah satu artikel disana. Istilah "gan" sampe "pertamax" mungkin bisa kita liat. Hahaha. Mohon maaf kalo di artikel ini cukup banyak kata "hahaha" ato "hehehe" ya. Soalnya 400 kata itu bukan jumlah yang sedikit kan. Lumayan kalo ada "ha3" ato "he3" bisa nambah-nambahin jumlah kata.
Sip, setelah reborn, tampilan sekarang semakin seru dan ciamik. Pas banget sama tema-tema artikelnya yang seputar gaya hidup dan hiburan (entertainment). Semoga misinya untuk menjadi portal lifestyle dan hiburan terbesar di Indonesia sukses dan lancar! Tampilan situsnya sekarang juga tambah cantik dengan latar belakang Merry Christmas. Menjelang hari Natal sih ya. Save dulu ah buat koleksi pribadi. Hehe. Lifestyle On The Net , Beraneka Gaya Hidup diulas di lifestyle on the net. Prafangga baru baru ini mengetahui Web Portal Setelah Mendapat referensi dari kawan via YM. Berhubung lifestyle on the net Mengadakan Kontes Yang cukup Besar, Prafangga tertarik untuk mengikuti Kontes Ini.
Setelah meninjau langsung Portal Bertajuk Life Style bukan sembarang portal biasa. Website mencoba menggebrak Akan Tema seputar Life Style gaya hidup terkini. Tidak heran Website Portal menjadi salah satu Portal Lifesyle terdepan di indonesia.
Banyak Informasi tentang Gaya Hidup, Artis, Kesehatan, Dunia Bisnis dibidang Fashion, Dunia Hiburan, Sekilas Musik, Semua Informasi Nasional maupun Dunia dirangkum secara lugas di Portal ini. Bisa dibilang adalah website bertajuk Gaya Hidup dan yang terpenting Informasi yang kita dapat Bersifat Online sehingga informasi yang Ada di Portal Life Style ini benar benar dengan cepat kita dapat. Dengan Keunggulan ini diharapkan menjadi satu satunya Portal Lifestyle yang terkenal. Seperti Slogan yang sedang diperkenalkan para Kontestan SEO lifestyle on the net.
Ini bukan sekedar kontes akan tetapi memperkenalkan dan memasyarakatkan Dunia Informasi Berbasis Online. Lifestle on the net saya rasa cukup kompeten dilihat dari perkembangan Info Site dari Segi PR sudah cukup ternama Memiliki PR5 saat Posting Life Style ini di publish sudah memilik Artikle yang terindex mesin pencari google sebanyak 85.200, Mesin Pencari Yahoo 2,286 Angka yang cukup fantastis.
Walaupun Prafangga member baru di akan tetapi prafanga mendapat banyak sekali Informasi seputar LifeStyle. Topik Artikel yang paling prafangga sukai adalah seputar Fashion and Style. Banyak Informasi seputar Tips Fashion mulai dari LifeStyle Cerahkan Wajah dengan Buah, Tips Seputar Kesehatan 4 Gaya Sehat Bagi Si Perokok Sampai dengan Informasi Dunia Seputar Life Style. Hmm Komplit pokoknya. Sembari mencari Informasi Sembari Mencari Inspirasi juga buat posting.
EVDO REV A : Newest Generation of Technology CDMA
CDMA2000 1xEV-DO is third Evolusi from technology CDMA Mobile
Wireless Data having high data transfer rate.
CDMA2000 1xEV-DO Rev A is newest Generasi from technology EV-DO, speed of download increases, and permits service to base on telephone, like voice, telephone video by using network IP.
* Improved broadband speeds.
Provides data top rate 3,1 Mbps at Downlink and 1,8 Mbps at Uplink in a carrier FDD 1,25 MHZ.
* Higher spectral efficiency.
increases flattening – plane of quantisation at uplink and downlink, enables more efficiently applies air, exploiting of nicer network, and low expense of delivery.
* Low latency
Average of latensi from Rev A is below(under 50 seconmili, so that ideal to delay the application of sensitive.
* EV-DO Device
Model: Blackberry 9530 ( Storm)
Device Type: Smartphone
Band: 800/1900 MHZ
Technology: 3G – CDMA2000, 1xEV-DO Rev. A
WorldMode: CDMA2000/GPRS/GSM, CDMA2000/HSDPA
History and Excellence of Technology CDMA
Technology CDMA initially utilized in United States military radio communications ( ACE), starts the year its(the 1990 patents given to Qualcomm, Inc. and made as digital seluler standard in AS since the year 1993. Therefore no wonder if this very safe technology because cannot be duplicated ( clone). So this very compatible technology for usefulness of telephone service banking, like transfer, balance cheque, etc. GSM supported by quicker european countries of melejit number of its(the consumers whole world at the moment has reached more than 700 million. Whereas CDMA number of its(the cutomer?clients has just reached 120 million. GSM and CDMA with variant initially IS-95 A also emerged at the time of at the same in the beginning of year 90-an included in technology ponsel generation second ( 2G).
Some excellences CDMA-2000 ( 1X) if it is compared to GSM as follows :
1. As military technology CDMA very holding up to weather trouble and interference, hence noise very low CDMA causing yields a real good voice quality. Even in a real rain lebatpun its(the voice quality is within measure admiting of tolerance.
2. CDMA cannot be duplicated ( clone) because every cutomer?client is given [by] different code ( on unique). This very codes difficult to be traced by having the character of random.
3. Its(the emittance is a real low ( 1/100 GSM) enables hand phone CDMA to economize in consuming battery, causing can operate is longer to speak and also stand by.
4. Cutomer?client capacities per BTS CDMA can reach 6000 ( 10 times GSM). This thing is caused [by] CDMA is more economizes in frequency usage. All BTS CDMA operates on the same frequency, so that doesn't require complicated counting in compiling its(the konfigu-rasi. Level of capacities per BTS makes expense of invesment released very low. Besides CDMA-2000 ( 1X) operates on spectrum frequency 800 MHZ. This thing will make wide coverage its(the BTS far bigger than GSM. So only requires slimmer of BTS to cover the same wide if it is compared to GSM.
5. CDMA-2000 ( 1X) earns me-ngirim data with speed until 144 Kbps, whereas GSM 9,6 Kbps. So can support service SMS, MMS, plays game and down load data through internet.
( Source : )
As far as I know, now card seluler in Indonesia using Teknologi CDMA is StarOne, Telkom Flexi, Fren, Esia, and Smart. According To You are of the consumers CDMA, best which between operator seluler CDMA? or card CDMA does you are using the existing? Sharing please experience of you are in using CDMA at comment column hereunder.
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Adam Prophet fossil?

I interest because its(the text telling that this ( possibly) be fossil from Nabi Adam AS, prophet and the first man in this world, dug in South Chinese. But what is the correctness found by this be fossil Nabi Adam?
Of course, according to trust of moslem believer, Adam Prophet has a real extraordinary body height. In this finding, that thing can be seen from comparison of man who is dredging fossil with its(the head skull is only.
But in South Chinese? I is less is sure with the matter. Besides, is it correct that this of course an original fossil? Because Adam Prophet as first man on earth surely lived millions of year ago. Seen from condition of its(the fossil, stand-out that the fossil seen like ‘ has just ' for fossil measure having age millions of year.
what according to all of you? Is this fossil correctness Nabi Adam?
Monday, 15 February 2010
Fists of Legend and Fury: What Asian American College Students Can Learn from Jet Li and Bruce Lee
Glenn Omatsu
Originally appeared in "Pacific Ties, the UCLA Asian Pacific Islander Newsmagazine." Reprinted with author's permission
Late 1972 in a small movie house in S.F. Chinatown: It's opening week for Bruce Lee's "Fists of Fury" (renamed "Chinese Connection" in the U.S.), but there are no stretch limos or Hollywood stars here. This audience consists of middle-aged Chinese immigrants -- most of them garment workers, laundrymen, and waiters from nearby restaurants -- who have come to be entertained after a hard day of work. They are here to see a film set in Shanghai in the 1920s and to watch a Chinese American actor who has become a Hong Kong star after two movies. All is quiet until the scenes where Lee destroys a framed calligraphy penned by Japanese imperialists declaring Chinese the "sick man of Asia" and a sign stating "no dogs or Chinese allowed here." The crowd responds with loud, sustained applause.
Early 1974 in a giant "second-run" movie theater in a deteriorating section of downtown S.F.: Bruce Lee has been dead for more than six months, but his legend in America is growing and his first and only U.S.-produced film, "Enter the Dragon," now draws multiracial crowds. This theater is packed with inner-city youth -- Black, Asian, and Latino males. The floor of this theater is so sticky that you can hardly move your feet. Throughout the film, the crowd cheers raucously, especially when Bruce Lee beats up legions of villains and Black martial artist Jim Kelly takes out two racist cops. After the show, youth spill out into the streets practicing Bruce Lee moves.
Early 1998 in Chinese immigrant video stores across America: There is a new martial arts legend in Chinese immigrant communities, and he's not Jackie Chan. With charisma, grace, and explosiveness, Jet Li of the People's Republic of China has established his name in the crowded field of martial arts actors. Although best known for "Once Upon a Time in China," Jet Li's 1995 homage to Bruce Lee called "Fist of Legend" is regarded as a classic among many immigrants, especially youth. However, this film -- and Jet Li himself -- is largely unknown to another sector in our community: Asian American college students.
Revenge. Honor. Patriotism. These are words that most would use to describe Jet Li's "Fist of Legend" and its predecessor, Bruce Lee's "Chinese Connection" -- two action-packed films from different eras of Hong Kong cinema. Of course, there are those who will dismiss these films as simply "martial arts films." They are that, but they are more. Contained in both is an intricate political message -- one with special significance for the destiny of young Asian Americans today.
On the surface, the plot of these movies is basic Kung Fu Theater. A martial arts student, Chen Zhen, seeks to avenge the poisoning of his master in Shanghai in the 1920s.
However, what begins as an individual pursuit of vengeance evolves into a patriotic crusade when the student learns that those responsible for his master's death are Japanese imperialists who are establishing their dominance over China.
In "Chinese Connection," Bruce Lee gives an intense performance as the tormented and driven Chen Zhen. While others in his martial arts school are unsure how to respond to the death of their master and the growing oppression around them, Bruce Lee's character acts decisively. He demolishes single-handedly Japanese imperialists, their Russian cohort, and their Chinese collaborators.
Jet Li's "Fist of Legend" is not a simple remake of the Bruce Lee classic; rather, it is an extension of the Chen Zhen legend. Most viewers will quickly notice that unlike "Chinese Connection," the Japanese characters in this film are not all evil, vicious, and decadent. Yet, the redefinition of the Japanese in the film speaks to a larger theme. Here, resistance against imperialism is no longer simply the activity of one heroic individual; instead, it is the collective actions of many. Jet Li's Chen Zhen is clearly the center of this film, yet his heroic actions are framed by the equally heroic activities of others.
"Fist of Legend" begins and ends with two linked images related to this theme. At the beginning, a group of Japanese students pass out leaflets in Kyoto, declaring that "Japan belongs to the people, not the Emperor!" -- only to be dispersed by a group of thugs. At the end of the film, Chen Zhen is spirited out of Shanghai by supporters to continue efforts to organize against the Japanese imperialists. And since this film is titled "Fist of Legend 1," it is likely that a sequel will continue the saga of Chen Zhen and Chinese and Japanese patriots who oppose imperialism.
These two films are, after all, ferocious fighting films designed to showcase the talents of their stars, and viewers seeking intricately choreographed fights will not be disappointed. Several scenes deserve mention. Near the end of "Chinese Connection," Bruce Lee defeats a seemingly invincible Russian opponent. His victory symbolizes China's ability to not only stand up against Japanese oppressors but western imperialists as well. In the second half of "Fist of Legend," Jet Li battles two different Japanese opponents. The first is a karate master who is his senior in both age and experience. This fight is characterized by honor. At one point, Chen Zhen blindfolds himself so as not to take unfair advantage of his opponent blinded by a dust storm. The duel between the two masters ends without a winner, although through this experience Chen Zhen learns from his opponent that he will need to develop both a defense and offense to defeat the Japanese imperialists. This knowledge prepares Chen Zhen for the climactic fight in the film, his battle with the sadistic Japanese general -- the symbol of fascism and militarism.
"Fist of Legend" and "Chinese Connection" are important films for Asian American college students today -- not because they relate to so-called "Asian heritage" but because they are political. But will Asian American youth have the political consciousness and historical understanding to truly appreciate these films? Or will they see them simply as other Americans do -- as "martial arts films"?
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Content technology 3.5G is not far differed from content 3G which has on the market teknologioleh some cellular operators in Indonesia that is video call, mobile video, mobile TV, and video content. Possibly unique is fitur multiplayer its(the game. Difference between 3G with 3.5G is sharper 3.5G drawn it compared to 3G. not that only, even consumer also can access internet through ponsel.
Like technology before all, technology 3.5G also applies broadband ( broadband) what provides koneksi quicker internet and direct extension to local and also international internet network. With awful speed of that, 3.5G sends experience of multimedia for its(the consumer. Starts from enamel download, finite calling video of streaming video can be done with quality that is may simply far better.