Sunday 1 February 2009


if we like to know to how your wife candidate character, see and study behaviour and the mother character.

not points that causes ink, but ink that causes points. not pretty that causes to love, but love that causes pretty.

successful we in is enduring this life not from what and we are achieve, but from how a lot we given to sesame.

dorothy low nolte: " if a alive child with criticism, he will learn to punish. if a alive child with hostility, he will learn violence. if a alive child with mockery, he learns to be shy. if a alive child ashamedly, he learns to felt guilty. if a alive child with push, he learns self confidence. if a alive child with justice, he learns to run justice. if a alive child with ketentraman, he learns with belied. if a alive child with support, he learns to like th. if a alive child with acceptance with friendship, he learns to love world. "

and associates. lewis: " if you are alive for world coming, you obtain present as one package. but if you only alive for world now, you lose the two. " congratulation prepare self, , , ? ?

" this life is parable one way road. how many even also rerouting you go through, not one even also bring you will return. so you detect and get that thing, life appear will be simpleer. " _ isabel moore

baby not forever drink asi, he will bloom to drink porridge, rice, and another hard food. such also human, every individual self-supporting, he will not satisfied with job challenge usually. more day more grow, either from also unjuk the work.

there is no problem out of proportion to faced, there is no step too long to at experience, and bobody too difficult to faced when we can menyikapi every event that with clear heart and cold head.

" challenge and problem is sign that us above the ground. " such a philosopher ever bertutur. if mencermati farther really not one place even also at this world candid from challenge. challenge actually make somebody more ripeer and adult in way of thinking development. challenge at" lakoni" well will give lesson most valuable for somebody life.

wise person ever divides three human kinds. first, stupid human, that is they are always neglect and override every chance existing. second, good human, that is they are always take the opportunity dating to it. third wise human, that is they always look for to chance that make possible self to then bloom without having to many wait.

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