Friday 27 February 2009


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Expert system is package software or package computer program addressed as advise feeder and supporting facilities for assisting in solves problem in certain specialization areas like science, engineering, mathematics, medical, education etcetera. Download Article Here

Over clock Memory PC

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Louvre Performance can be improved by boosting up frequency as well as its the tension. In general there are two performance configuration modes RAM to, that is “ synchronous” and “ asynchronous”. Mode synchronous specifies increase of proportional memory frequency with increase of FSB at main board. Usually this mode is on motherboard class mid or end user. While mode asynchronous enables increase of frequency at memory without depend on FSB in main board. This mode usually there is at motherboard high end.

Enters to BIOS and part searching “ frequency/voltage control”, then paid attention to part which can be changed. You can find option to change Memory Clock or this Memory Frequency in part “ DRAM Configuration” or “ Memory Configuration. In part motherboard there is also choice “ Clock Control”, “ system performance”, or DDR Timing Setting By” which able to be found at menu advanced chip set setup. This options can be used for over clock memory.

By Dani

Thursday 26 February 2009


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So, now you will work and becomes boss to ownself !!

Possibly you has felt worn-out and is weary worked with others and they don't understand duties which you to do and or you had tired and tired of necessity deals with oppressing traffic problem every day at the time go and return from workplace. And or you have been cloying with political situation in office where there are worker culture hasud and malicious grudges .

And or you of course has is sure with ownself that you can paddle own canoe and obtains production far more fair to middlingly than salaries or production which you receives present.

Or you have been tiring of works with others, will enjoy life that is far better and luxuriant and will do job(activity – worked addition time to be spacious of you and or you only will add production of you family and do not want to disregard you children.

Although anything reason which you gives, by working x'self and becomes boss to ownself s(he can give better advantage to yourself and family and can increase you selfregard also. He will give goodly result if you can implement good business ideas and precise. Is business type which may coincide IDE ? Usually every idea can be succeed if having and coincides criterion like following:

Which you knows and you can do it is carefully

Which you are SUKA to do and doesn't care although always does it is every day

Thing having wide space to be promoted

Thing can be sold at price which able to overcome the price of expense of you expenditure as well as yielding goodly advantage to you .

Thing can be done by using small capital and or fullfilling capital and according to like the one is you roughs out.

If you still had not met way of entrepreneurs, possibly you can see and applies one of than system and way of like the one is registered hereunder. Something can start effort for they are in house by using way like following and there is also still don't know way to start effort for they.

Mostly of can be made effort for fundamental, and partly thereof can be applied to add again number of business types which there are. Altogether can be applied as mode to make a living which can be done in house if you knows way to run a business through ideas which has been

Friday 20 February 2009

5 success strategies and wealth

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1. attitude

attitude one success determinant in whatever also case whom you do. einstein say that attitude 99% success determinant or somebody failure.

you should has which are positive attitude in whatever area whom you do, if you want to get success.

are you aware, want melelap eye, work - anything also you do, you should embedded positive attitude. when a case not be such as those which you intended, you should then posed positive. if you get up via, don't felt bored, on the contrary you must berfikiran positive and say to your self self" ok, today i gone beyond to get up, now i necessary is doing best for today" .

i am successful that they who unconvinced on this day can achieve that stage without has good attitude and positive.

actually easier to berfikiran negative, and for your erudition, to berfikiran positive need a little effort. paste up one note above your table, in car, mirror mengamar bathe that written" attitude" . when do you see that note, stop over and think about case that operative on that, and if sometimes you felt not berfikiran positive, fikir at first and go on work whom you do.

if you posed positive, all cases whom you will do will be easier. if there case doesn't like you do, don't let so that at the (time) of end, even do formerly case and fikir" i want to do this work till finish then i can make work whom i like! " . try technics this and you certain will feel the difference.

2. bring an action against

this be one big rumors to majority person, they have good business idea, they inform to kith about business that want begun, kith is positive and support. then they tell to several another person so that be quiet off hand.

if you have good idea makes, but you necessary make action. then when did you begin to do a certain, you necessary take several again step further so that achieve success.

if you have opportunity or idea in this time, may be something that long you fikir, stop to speak and think about it - do.

i have many that friends meets and speak about business ideas like impressing they are that order me do business. i can help them, give opinion, but sadden 90% than they are never make action. if you don't make action, you tell lies your right to one success.

3. exchange to how you are programmed

since seat persekolahan again we always fikir such as those which always informed by adult ones that" learn clever so that get good work" . i hope you don't be wrong consider, i am fikir when do we menyekolah we necessary learn what necessary then open your business self!

80% millionaire on this day achieve their fantasy with begins business self. may be you have known, if you genuinely want finance freedom, time in front of it with open effort self.

sure business self must underwrite risk, and you can decrease risk with begin it according to side, and use technics i show with little capital, but the repayment very many and beneficial.

4. write what you fikir

i don't care as good as whatever memory whom you have, but why necessary let. why necessary underwrite risk if forgotten important something that? write existing case memfikiran so that you help to relieve your brain full of information. when do you write it you afraid unnecessary if forgotten when that need.

if you have idea - write.

if you have problem - write.

when do you write a problem, you will find that you can think with interest clear, and one time later case can be finished. technics this easy appear, but if you begin to use it, you certain will see the difference later.

5. specify aim and fantasy

if you don't have target, you will not anything. you must has direction/aim, you necessary know where your destination, out for achieve it and always mindful of your fantasy. i meet with many people may be doesn't understand about this concepts that says" my fantasy is to is millionaire during 5 year" but when do you ask to how to achieve it, they only quiet.

you must has long-range aim/direction, for time 5 year that, then you necessary out for achieve it, then specify direction short-range easier is achieved direction the example one year, a month and one week.

i hope 5 strategies on can help you to achieve success with interest easy and hurry.

Monday 16 February 2009

Hits For Pays Your Dollars

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Wednesday 4 February 2009

Hits and Pay Your Earnings $

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Still Reading Commercial Emails For Free? Receive Emails On Topics That Interests You And Get Paid For It!
If you have access to your own email account, you can get paid. Refer others and get paid up to two levels. Hits4Pay is one of very few highest paying advertising program in the industry.
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Tuesday 3 February 2009

Link Payer

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I recently joined a really cool site that you'll be interested in.

You take the links that you post on the web and change them into links that can earn you cash!

You can post links anywhere, social networks, blogs, emails that you forward etc

For example, you post a link on Myspace about a car video on YouTube, you use a LinkPayer link instead to display advertisements to the person that clicks on the link when they leave your Myspace, then it sends them to YouTube.

There's a referral program that pays 3 levels deep so you get a share of what friends earn.

Btw: They are currently putting $5.00 into your account just for joining!

Here's the link, including my referral so that I get paid! ;-)



Sunday 1 February 2009

IP Address & Subnetting

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so that unique every computer connections to internet is given different address. this address is so that whole world uniform so address gifts ip address throughout world is given by internet international body assigned number authority (iana), where iana only give ip address network id he while host id regulated by owner ip address.
example ip address to cisco. com to www. ilkom. unsri. ac. id with ip he is

unique address consists of 32 beets that divided in 4 octets (8 beet)s
o 1 o 2 o 3 o 4

ip address divided to be 2 parts that is network id and host id, network id that menetu address in network (network address) while host id will determine address from network device in character unique to will distinguish between one engine mechanically another
suppose network id road number and road address while host id the house number

Dowload Here To Completed article

Fists of Legend and Fury: What Asian American College Students Can Learn from Jet Li and Bruce Lee

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Late 1972 in a small movie house in S.F. Chinatown: It's opening week for Bruce Lee's "Fists of Fury" (renamed "Chinese Connection" in the U.S.), but there are no stretch limos or Hollywood stars here. This audience consists of middle-aged Chinese immigrants -- most of them garment workers, laundrymen, and waiters from nearby restaurants -- who have come to be entertained after a hard day of work. They are here to see a film set in Shanghai in the 1920s and to watch a Chinese American actor who has become a Hong Kong star after two movies. All is quiet until the scenes where Lee destroys a framed calligraphy penned by Japanese imperialists declaring Chinese the "sick man of Asia" and a sign stating "no dogs or Chinese allowed here." The crowd responds with loud, sustained applause.

Early 1974 in a giant "second-run" movie theater in a deteriorating section of downtown S.F.: Bruce Lee has been dead for more than six months, but his legend in America is growing and his first and only U.S.-produced film, "Enter the Dragon," now draws multiracial crowds. This theater is packed with inner-city youth -- Black, Asian, and Latino males. The floor of this theater is so sticky that you can hardly move your feet. Throughout the film, the crowd cheers raucously, especially when Bruce Lee beats up legions of villains and Black martial artist Jim Kelly takes out two racist cops. After the show, youth spill out into the streets practicing Bruce Lee moves.

Early 1998 in Chinese immigrant video stores across America: There is a new martial arts legend in Chinese immigrant communities, and he's not Jackie Chan. With charisma, grace, and explosiveness, Jet Li of the People's Republic of China has established his name in the crowded field of martial arts actors. Although best known for "Once Upon a Time in China," Jet Li's 1995 homage to Bruce Lee called "Fist of Legend" is regarded as a classic among many immigrants, especially youth. However, this film -- and Jet Li himself -- is largely unknown to another sector in our community: Asian American college students.

Revenge. Honor. Patriotism. These are words that most would use to describe Jet Li's "Fist of Legend" and its predecessor, Bruce Lee's "Chinese Connection" -- two action-packed films from different eras of Hong Kong cinema. Of course, there are those who will dismiss these films as simply "martial arts films." They are that, but they are more. Contained in both is an intricate political message -- one with special significance for the destiny of young Asian Americans today.

On the surface, the plot of these movies is basic Kung Fu Theater. A martial arts student, Chen Zhen, seeks to avenge the poisoning of his master in Shanghai in the 1920s.

However, what begins as an individual pursuit of vengeance evolves into a patriotic crusade when the student learns that those responsible for his master's death are Japanese imperialists who are establishing their dominance over China.

In "Chinese Connection," Bruce Lee gives an intense performance as the tormented and driven Chen Zhen. While others in his martial arts school are unsure how to respond to the death of their master and the growing oppression around them, Bruce Lee's character acts decisively. He demolishes single-handedly Japanese imperialists, their Russian cohort, and their Chinese collaborators.

Jet Li's "Fist of Legend" is not a simple remake of the Bruce Lee classic; rather, it is an extension of the Chen Zhen legend. Most viewers will quickly notice that unlike "Chinese Connection," the Japanese characters in this film are not all evil, vicious, and decadent. Yet, the redefinition of the Japanese in the film speaks to a larger theme. Here, resistance against imperialism is no longer simply the activity of one heroic individual; instead, it is the collective actions of many. Jet Li's Chen Zhen is clearly the center of this film, yet his heroic actions are framed by the equally heroic activities of others.

"Fist of Legend" begins and ends with two linked images related to this theme. At the beginning, a group of Japanese students pass out leaflets in Kyoto, declaring that "Japan belongs to the people, not the Emperor!" -- only to be dispersed by a group of thugs. At the end of the film, Chen Zhen is spirited out of Shanghai by supporters to continue efforts to organize against the Japanese imperialists. And since this film is titled "Fist of Legend 1," it is likely that a sequel will continue the saga of Chen Zhen and Chinese and Japanese patriots who oppose imperialism.

These two films are, after all, ferocious fighting films designed to showcase the talents of their stars, and viewers seeking intricately choreographed fights will not be disappointed. Several scenes deserve mention. Near the end of "Chinese Connection," Bruce Lee defeats a seemingly invincible Russian opponent. His victory symbolizes China's ability to not only stand up against Japanese oppressors but western imperialists as well. In the second half of "Fist of Legend," Jet Li battles two different Japanese opponents. The first is a karate master who is his senior in both age and experience. This fight is characterized by honor. At one point, Chen Zhen blindfolds himself so as not to take unfair advantage of his opponent blinded by a dust storm. The duel between the two masters ends without a winner, although through this experience Chen Zhen learns from his opponent that he will need to develop both a defense and offense to defeat the Japanese imperialists. This knowledge prepares Chen Zhen for the climactic fight in the film, his battle with the sadistic Japanese general -- the symbol of fascism and militarism.

"Fist of Legend" and "Chinese Connection" are important films for Asian American college students today -- not because they relate to so-called "Asian heritage" but because they are political. But will Asian American youth have the political consciousness and historical understanding to truly appreciate these films? Or will they see them simply as other Americans do -- as "martial arts films"?

To truly appreciate these films, Asian American college students need to learn from an often ignored sector of our community: immigrant garment workers, waiters and waitresses, laundrymen, and small merchants. These were the first in America to embrace Bruce Lee and, today, they are the first to appreciate Jet Li. They are the people who can teach all of us the significant political message of these films: namely, the power of individuals to fight oppression and, in the process, to inspire others to discover the fighting spirit within themselves.

By Dani Post

antenna wajanbolic

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why called wajanbolic?

frying pan: wok, cutlery makes ripe

bolic: parabolic

wajanbolic: antenna parabolic yg made from frying pan

because come from frying pan so ill assorted the fullness dg antenna parabolic yg actually. in workshop will be made antenna wajanbolic with n connector and pigtail with deliberation:

several deficits antenna wajanbolic:

because shaped solid menyh so big enough wind influence so that need mounting to tower enough strong

antenna 2.4 ghz

several examples design antenna 2.4 ghz

majority antenna homebrew wifi yg in internet: antenna yagi, antenna can (tincan antenna), antenna biquad, antenna helix, antenna slotted waveguide. component yg always there dlm design antenna-antena that: n-type connector pigtail

konektor: n-type male, n-type female, rp tnc male, rp tnc female, pigtail

ok. . ! ! we are direct to maker wajanbolic


device and ingredient necessary at prepare:


1. diameter frying pan 36? (ever greater mengametr more good)

2. pvc paralon thin diameter 3? 1 meter

3. doff 3? (enclosing pvc paralon) 2 fruit

4. alluminium foil

5. bold + size nut 12 or 146. n connector female

7. copper wire no. 38. double tape + lakban


1. ruler

2. knife/ cutter

3. solder + his tin

4. hacksaw

price estimate

price estimate that taked to buy ingredient wajanbolic less than rp 100.000, -. compare ji you must buy antenna grid 24db, product local achieve rp 500.000, - more and import can achieve rp 1.000.000, - more. or buy antenna grid local his price rp 200.000, - while import can achieve rp 300.000 more.

working stage

1. prepare all ingredients and device that wanted.

2. make hole correct frying pan in the middle of frying pan seukuran bold 12 or 14, enough one hole.

kemudia, ukur mengametr frying pan, frying pan depth and feeder/ points focus. to be more clear he is please tough be picture.


parabolic menyh dg d = 70 cm, d = 20 cm so points distance focus from center menyh: f = d^2/(16*d) = 70^2 / (16*20) = 15.3 cm

in points focus that installed end feeder. to get gain maximum.

1. cut pvc paralon along 30 cm, then say the word for distance feeder he (is alluminium free region foil). to determine long feeder he uses formula above.

2. give hole in part paralon to put n connector, for that use formula antenna can. refraction at see in http: /www. saunalahti. fi/elepal/antenna2calc. php

3. cut copper wire that prepared as according to size that got from calculation result website above. and solder in n connector that at prepare

4. as advanced as he, package pvc paralon with dgn alluminium foil in region besides feeder, klo alluminium foil existing without glue, so for agglutinative he can use double tape

5. then pair n connector to pvc paralon that burrowed td

6. in part doff (enclosing pvc paralon) that at pair at the end of close to n connector must at give alluminium foil, while doff at pair in unnecessary frying pan at gives alluminium foil

7. and pair doff to pvc paralon

8. then, frying pan that at perforate a while ago installed with doff one he again, before he is doff burrowed as according to size bautyang at prepare, and tighten secukup he.

9. then live to pair pvc paralon a while ago to frying pan that at pair doff.

10. and frying pan bolic ready for used browsing, or at least to wardriving.


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if we like to know to how your wife candidate character, see and study behaviour and the mother character.

not points that causes ink, but ink that causes points. not pretty that causes to love, but love that causes pretty.

successful we in is enduring this life not from what and we are achieve, but from how a lot we given to sesame.

dorothy low nolte: " if a alive child with criticism, he will learn to punish. if a alive child with hostility, he will learn violence. if a alive child with mockery, he learns to be shy. if a alive child ashamedly, he learns to felt guilty. if a alive child with push, he learns self confidence. if a alive child with justice, he learns to run justice. if a alive child with ketentraman, he learns with belied. if a alive child with support, he learns to like th. if a alive child with acceptance with friendship, he learns to love world. "

and associates. lewis: " if you are alive for world coming, you obtain present as one package. but if you only alive for world now, you lose the two. " congratulation prepare self, , , ? ?

" this life is parable one way road. how many even also rerouting you go through, not one even also bring you will return. so you detect and get that thing, life appear will be simpleer. " _ isabel moore

baby not forever drink asi, he will bloom to drink porridge, rice, and another hard food. such also human, every individual self-supporting, he will not satisfied with job challenge usually. more day more grow, either from also unjuk the work.

there is no problem out of proportion to faced, there is no step too long to at experience, and bobody too difficult to faced when we can menyikapi every event that with clear heart and cold head.

" challenge and problem is sign that us above the ground. " such a philosopher ever bertutur. if mencermati farther really not one place even also at this world candid from challenge. challenge actually make somebody more ripeer and adult in way of thinking development. challenge at" lakoni" well will give lesson most valuable for somebody life.

wise person ever divides three human kinds. first, stupid human, that is they are always neglect and override every chance existing. second, good human, that is they are always take the opportunity dating to it. third wise human, that is they always look for to chance that make possible self to then bloom without having to many wait.

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