Friday 30 January 2009

Taxco TX60 as GPRS Modem

Last time, I review about Taxco TX60’s user interface. Now, Let’s talk about it’s other functionality, GPRS modem.

And how we can use the phone as dialup modem? In my review of TX60, when we connect the handset to USB port, we propted for three options. The last one is COM Port. Select that one and it will recognized as new hardware and request for driver installation. Question: where can we obtain the driver? Well, usually china phone are similiar one and another. Usually they are marked as MT6227. You can googling for MT6227 driver for one. Or you can go here since I aquired it from googling myself :p. Now, point the installation source to the downloaded and extracted directory/folder and install the driver.

After the driver installed, we need to Install the modem. For this, go to “Control Panels” -> “Phone and Modem Options”. The steps are:

  • Chose Modems tab. There we can se list of installed modems.
  • Click “Add…”. This will open modem installation wizard.
  • Check “Don’t detect my modem; I will select it from a list.” for manual installation and go Next.
  • Don’t select available modems. Click “Have Disk…” instead. This will open “Install from disk” dialog.
  • Point to previous extracted directory/folder and select “MTK GPRS USB Modem.inf” and click OK.
  • Ignore the warning about the driver is not digitally signed. I’ve test it and I have no problem with it. Go Next.
  • Here we will prompted for which COM port we will use. Use the appropriate com port and go Next.

Viola … your modem is installed. But wait, how can I ensure that the modem installed properly? Select your new installed modem and open it’s properties (by clicking “Properties” if you don’t follow what I mean (-_-)a ). Go to “Diagnostics” tab and cick “Query Modem” to test modem connection. If the command ATQ0V1E0 return “Success”, it should be ok.

Download Here

2 komentar:

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Nice article you got here. I'd like to read a bit more about that theme. The only thing I would like to see on that blog is a few pics of any devices.
Kate Stepman
Phone jammer

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