Sunday 11 May 2014


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Wing Chun adalah beladiri jarak dekat yang mengutamakan tangan 70% dan kaki 30%. Beladiri Wing Chun diciptakan oleh pendeta wanita Ng Mui pada masa pemerintahan Kaisar Yung Chen I. Beladiri Wing Chun di masanya dipergunakan untuk menggalau teknik beladiri keras dan penuh menggunakan otot. Beladiri Wing Chun kemudian tenar sampai saat ini, karena beladiri ini termasuk tidak sulit untuk memahaminya. Di zaman sekarang yang kemudian di expose melalui film Ip Man.

Bagi yang tertarik dengan beladiri ini, bisa mengikuti latihannya di tempat tempat terstentu yang seperti di perguruan Jeet Kune Do Lampung (

Friday 24 June 2011

Jalan-Jalan Gratis Ke Pulau Komodo

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Jawab pertanyaan pariwisata Indonesia sebanyak-banyaknya dan ajak teman-teman Anda untuk ikutan kuis ini.

Kumpulkan poinnya dan menangkan wisata ke Pulau Komodo 3 hari 2 malam untuk 5 orang pemenang. Hadiah termasuk tiket, akomodasi, dan uang saku.

Selain itu juga tersedia 1 Digital Photo Frame, 2 Digicam, 3 IPOD Shuffle dan 10 Flashdisk yang akan di undi untuk peserta yang memperoleh poin menjawab soal minimal 100 point (Undian tidak berlaku bagi pemenang wisata ke Pulau Komodo)

Sunday 5 September 2010

Domain Name Knowledge Base

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Is it Domain?

Domain is a unique name given to identify the name of the computer servers such as web servers or email servers on the Internet.
Domains provide users accessing the internet to remember names and make access to the servers who want to visit than to remember Internet Protocol (IP).
Differences Domains and Hosting

Hosting is storage space on a server computer where data and files are placed.

Domain is the address used for data placement and to place the file.

Simple analogy:

1. Analogy of cellular-phone cards
In this case if the hosting likened as your mobile device, the domain is no.kartu your provider;
2. Analogy-car parking lot
In this case hosting likened to a parking lot, while the domain is the number of cars can be parked on the hosting

The sections Domain Name

A Domain Name has at least two or three sections / levels / level:

1. Top-level domain (TLD)
Consisting of two group / classification:
* Generic TLD (gTLD) top level domain or to the public,
example:. com,. net,. org,. biz,. info
* Country Code TLD (ccTLD) or country code based domain level,
eg. id,. us,. ins
2. Second-level domain (SLD)
Is the domain name is placed in the front of the TLD
* SLD with gTLD example:
* SLD with ccTLD example:,.,.
3. Third-level domain
Is a sub of the SLD

Migration Web Hosting Tips

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Almost all day I spend my online time to a hosting migration. Programming and Internet blogs, I moved from foreign countries hosting service providers (crocodile logo, hosting can be free from classmates), led to a hosting service provider Indonesia (the homepage of the popular Web site with lots of ghost images).

There are some things that make me a little repentance, and maybe it should be noted if you want to move / migrate web hosting. To limit this time my little discussion relating to the installation of WordPress.

Here I try to list a variety of tips to keep in mind when it wants to hosting migration:

* Problem 1: the old WordPress Versions
I had to upload their own scripts WordPress 2.9.1. Lhoh why upload? existing rather than new hosting cPanel & Fantastico? Yes, there is, unfortunately, it's just there Fantastico WP 2.8.6, I asked why not upgrade to a provider, he says it from Fantasticonya so.
Solution: Upload own. Important points is that, if we want our blog instantly accessible on the root site (example: and not on the folder under it (eg: hence better script file that we downloaded from extracted first at the local computer, then dizip anymore, but directly on the contents of the folder "wordpress". This new file should be uploaded, so no need to move the contents of the folder when it is extracted on the server.
* Problem 2: DNS Propagation / DNS Resolve
Nameserver changes usually cause a problem DNS Propagation, namely the process of refreshing the cache on your ISP internet connection.
This is also my experience after changing the Name Server through PANDI website, I did a network ping repeatedly to the domain address to ensure (at least) has changed the IP Address, but it takes a bit longer for DNS to recognize TelkomSpeedy new nameserver. Although replacement Nameserver been successful, but still sometimes I opened my old hosting.
Solution: Use webproxy. What else can be done while waiting for resolving DNS smoothly? I install WordPress using one of the webproxy.
* Problem 3: Plugin backups
Because the export tool found not participate WordPress 2.8.6 backup plugins settings, it is necessary to manually backup.
Solution: in this case you should ask for help who have hosting.

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